6 Tips & Tricks to Increase your Blog’s Page Views


6 Tips & Tricks to Increase your Blog’s Page Views

Collage of overlapping book pages

Image from Unsplash

As a blogger, you’ll know that page views are the holy grail of blogger stats, and can affect your chances of working with your favourite brands. For your blogging hobby to transition into a full-time career, getting those visits up is vital.

Without further ado, here are our top six quick, simple and spam-free tips to gaining more page views.

Get your SEO techniques down

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again (and again and again), your blog’s SEO is so important, especially if you’re planning on taking your blogging career to the next level.

Optimising every page of your blog will have a massive effect on your search engine rankings, meaning you’re more likely to get seen and get shared. And what’s best is that there are a number of ways to go about this: from relevant keywords to optimised meta-tags to blog rolls, SEO isn’t just for the tech savvy. But we won’t ramble on, you can read all about getting your blog SEO right here.

A neater home page = more page views

An orderly blog design can be the difference between blog posts getting a click and them being completely missed. Your home page is the face of your blog, and the deciding factor for many first time visitors, so make it stand out. For example, rather than having a full, space-stealing post on your front page, just show a snippet with the mighty ‘read more’ button on display –  if readers have to click through, that’s one extra page view under your belt! Take a peek at our ultimate design guide if you need a helping hand.

P.S. Eye-catching images accompanied by snappy headlines will help those blog posts get that extra page view too.

Share the love, exchange banner ads

If you’ve got a blogger BFFL, this is a really simple way to get more page views. Share the love with one another and promote each other’s blogs. Not only will you be showing your blogging bestie how much you love their blog, but you’ll definitely get some clicks in return.

Exchanging banner ads is an easy way to do this. Simply design your own personalised banner ad, exchange it with your fellow blogger, upload theirs to your blog’s sidebar, and watch the page views rack up.

Keep readers engrossed by suggesting similar posts

This tip really doesn’t need much explaining. The chances are, if a reader has got right to the end of your post, they have found it interesting. Adding a widget to the end to show off some similar posts can be hugely beneficial to your page views and is a great way to not let those golden oldie posts get lost in the mix.

Stay hot off the press with a newsletter

This tip may take a little more work than the others, but it will yield great results. Sending a monthly newsletter out to your subscribed readers is not only perfect for keeping in touch and maintaining relationships with readers, but also for encouraging them to click onto your blog straight from the email.

Send info out about your old and new blog posts, events you may be hosting and general information you want to share with your wonderful readers. Need convincing that your blog should have a newsletter? Find out here.

Comment, comment and comment some more

Commenting on other blogs you love is one sure-fire way to both give that blogger a massive confidence boost, and get potential click backs onto your blog. As a blogger, keeping engaged and getting your blog seen in as many places and ways as possible is great exposure for you. And, if you’re leaving personalised comments, people are more likely to be attracted to clicking through to your page, making it a real win-win for everyone.


So there you have it: our six tips for increasing those all-important page views. We’d love to know if you have any other methods, or if our post helped you increase your visitor stats, in the comments below.

