What We’ve Been Up To: 2017

Well, another year’s gone by and 2018 is about to begin. But before we start writing the wrong date on everything and telling everyone we meet that we can’t believe it’s January again, we thought we would recap on another incredible year.
In January, we gave the lovely Green Eyed Girl a more relaxed travel experience with Executive Lounges, which she listed as one of her three tips for making airport travel more enjoyable. You can have a read of her top travel advice here in case you’re jetting off in the new year!
Image from The Green Eyed Girl.
In March, we teamed up with the jewellers SYMBOL to give blogger Natasha Kundi a shiny little treat in the form of this sparkling Eclipse necklace. She says it “possesses a light refraction that could surpass the diamond” – if that’s not a glowing review then we don’t know what is! Read the rest of her thoughts here.
Image from Natasha Kundi.
May was a big month for us, we moved into our swanky new nautical themed office in Bristol’s city centre and hosted the Pork Farms Blogger Board Games Championship in honour of National Board Games week, which you can read all about over on The Invisible Child, What’s Hot?, Yet Another Blogging Mummy and Bonnie in Wonderland.
When the sun came out in June we worked with Discounted Sunglasses to keep Lubka sun safe in style. You can read about her comfortable yet elegant pregnancy style here.
We also worked with the lovely Hayley at Nourish Your Glow to review VSL#3, a poly-biotic containing 450 billion good bacteria, check out her mouth-watering recipes and review here.
Images from Nourish Your Glow.
In August we sent the glamourous Olivia Silk of Lust Living off to the luxurious Welcombe Hallmark Hotel for an overnight stay and afternoon tea. Read what she thought of it on her blog.
Image from Lust Living.
As October rolled in, so did the changing of the clocks and bad weather (boo). To help block out the rain and wind, we sent Eilidh, from Mummy and Monkeys, a remote control blackout blind from Order Electric Blinds, which both her and her toddler loved. You can check out her review here.
Images from Mummy and Monkeys.
And finally, in December we worked on a lovely festive review with the stunning Shelley, who packed her bags and headed to Chester for an overnight stay at the decadent Queen Hallmark Hotel. She enjoyed an evening meal and cosy night’s sleep just a stone’s throw away from the bustling Christmas market. Read her full review here.
Images from Shelley Morecroft.
And that’s a wrap. We have so much more planned for 2018, so don’t forget to keep an eye on our member’s dashboard for upcoming opportunities.
See you next year.
Team Edge.
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