What We’ve Been Up To: June 2015

This month we’ve been super busy sunbathing and dreaming about faraway places (because, sunshine!) but in between all of that we managed to run a few really cool campaigns too.
Our parenting blogger members are a lucky bunch because we’ve been working on all sorts of cool, family-related things lately. First up is our collaboration with Wentworth Wooden Puzzles, whose high quality jigsaws are a really great toy and kids just love them, especially when you put their face on one!
Image via StressedRach.co.uk
Rachel from Stressed Rach received a personalised puzzle for her daughter, who can’t stop taking the puzzle apart and putting it back together again. Check out her full review here.
We’ve also been working with Order Blinds to promote their child-safe cordless blinds. Stephanie from Renovation Bay-Bee was the perfect choice for this campaign, since she writes about both parenting and home design.
Image via Blog.Bay-Bee.co.uk
She was too worried about safety to buy them for her children’s rooms before, but when we told her about this cordless option she loved it!
Head over on the blog to read her review and enter her giveaway to win a cordless blind of your own.
We also sent Rachel from Parenthood Highs and Lows one of these awesome cordless blinds for her sons’ room, and you can check out here what she has to say about it.
So what’s coming up next? Well, being summer and all we have a rather large stash of designer sunnies to give away, so keep an eye on your inboxes!
We’re also busy planning a party-themed campaign, so get in touch if you have a child whose birthday is coming up soon, and we’re on the lookout for bloggers who’d like to take a week-long eco challenge to live without their washing machines. Email us at hello@collectivedge.com if that’s you!
Until next time!
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