Working With Brands
Social Media Campaigns – Are They Too Good to Be True?
The news has been full of stories on fake influencers, but what about dodgy campaigns? Here’s some advice for you to ensure you keep your reputation safe.
The news has been full of stories on fake influencers, but what about dodgy campaigns? Here’s some advice for you to ensure you keep your reputation safe.
How do you know when to start asking the brands who approach you to pay for your time? We can help.
Affiliate disclosure guidelines have changed, here's everything you need to know about making affiliate links clear on your blog, vlog and social media channels.
How do you sell more banner adverts on your blog? Read all of our tips to help monetise your blog through display ads more effectively!
Is sponsored content the same thing as advertising? Do I always need to disclose free products? These questions and more answered!
The rules & legality behind sponsored content has become something of an issue for influencers over the years. Follow our advice to get it right every time!
Struggling to monetise your blog? Here are our 7 tips to start landing paid collaborations with brands such as sponsored posts, and other ways to earn money blogging.
How much do bloggers charge for sponsored posts anyway? Follow these five tips to work out your own sponsored blog post rates.
Want to work with your favourite brands but aren't having much luck? These could be 10 reasons why they're not reaching out to your blog.
If you’re dreaming of getting a bit of money in return for all that awesome content you’ve been writing joining an affiliate program is never a bad idea.
Did you see the #BloggerBlackmail hashtag explode onto your Twitter feed on Sunday? Of course you did, but just in case you’ve spent the past few days on a mountain with no signal or Wi-Fi, here’s the story: Food and...
To charge for reviews or not to charge for reviews? That is the age old question! Find out what's best for you in our latest blog post.