What We’ve Been up to – April 2018
We’ve been busy bees as usual here at CollectivEdge HQ. We have a fair few campaigns on the go, with different brands and interesting influencers on board.
We’ve been busy bees as usual here at CollectivEdge HQ. We have a fair few campaigns on the go, with different brands and interesting influencers on board.
Thinking about writing a blog or just starting out in the blogging world? Every blogger has been in your position once, even the biggest influencers must start somewhere. But we can help you get a little head start thanks to...
As an influencer, it can be stressful finding the time to fit everything going on in your life, but don’t worry, we’re here to help!
March has been a whirlwind of snow, hot crossed buns and wishing and waiting for Spring to make an appearance (we’re still waiting…) on top of our weather woes, we’ve been busy prepping campaigns, planning fun new content and giving our...
The shortest month of the year? Completed it mate. See what we've been busy with this whirl-wind month in our monthly round up
We’ve listed our 6 favourite books to read in our blog post. From happiness to health, these books are bound to make your day a little brighter!
First things first, Happy belated New Year from all of us here at CollectivEdge! Have you stuck to your resolutions all month or did you crumble a the first hurdle like we did? Nevertheless, one-twelfth of the year has already passed...
It’s easy to think that blogging is just a hobby, which of course it can, but it can also provide a huge boost for your career or even become your career!
Well, another year’s gone by and 2018 is about to begin. But before we start writing the wrong date on everything and telling everyone we meet that we can’t believe it’s January again, we thought we would recap on another...
Before we head off on the 23rd December, we just wanted to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
With Christmas on the horizon, we're wrapping up November (no pun intended) in our monthly roundup. See what we've been up to.
As a full-time influencer, things get busy, and somewhere along the line you may need to take on additional help. Here’s how.